Running & Output


The MARS framework is written in C#/.NET, so you need to install the:

  • .NET-SDK on your computer to develop MARS models.
  • JetBrains Rider as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This will handle the installation of .NET for you and give an easy way to execute and debug your models. Though a license is required for using Rider, which is free for students.

Configuration & Running

The model is configured via the config.json file in the root folder of the einp-model. For more information on configuration and excecution please read MARS documentation. The execution of the simulation is defined globally (global real-time based execution).

Viewing the output

After you run the model, by hitting the Build-Taks in JetBrains Raider (small green triangle in the upper right of the IDE), the simulation will run, and produce outputs.